The Release category focuses on routines and education pertaining to stretching and flexibility training.
The Release category focuses on routines and education pertaining to stretching and flexibility training.

Reinforce your body's strength with Pilates-based toning routines and exercises.
Reinforce your body's strength with Pilates-based toning routines and exercises.

In the Reawaken section, we reconnect to our sensuality and self-connection through discussion and dance tutorials
In the Reawaken section, we reconnect to our sensuality and self-connection through discussion and dance tutorials

Learn more about the importance of proper nutrition during the preconception, prenatal, and postnatal chapters.
Learn more about the importance of proper nutrition during the preconception, prenatal, and postnatal chapters.
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Interested in 1-on-1 or private group sessions?
Sessions are personalized to the specific goals of you or your group including, but not limited to:
Pre/postnatal fitness
Flexibility training
Sensual dance choreo
Practice on any screen
Take classes whenever you want, wherever you want!